Matt Friedman's Talk about our Campaign
When you look at the world’s problems today, do you ever despair and wonder who is going to do something about it? Well, look in the mirror, what if that person was you?
Watch Matt Friedman's inspiring talk - he explains how we can all be the change, be the heroes needed to make a difference in this world.
Together, we can make a difference. Millions of acts of kindness when multiplied can change our world!
A big shout out to Darren Chuckry and The Marketing Society for hosting this wonderful event on April 16, 2020.
Be the Hero. Be the Change.
Small acts multiplied by millions of people can help change our world.
Matthew Friedman, the founder of the Be the Hero Campaign, is a humanitarian professional who was formerly employed by the United Nations and the US government, and has lived and worked in more than 40 countries. He has come to realize that if those who work on the world’s problems could solve them, they would. But the fundamental truth is that they simply can’t because the task is well beyond what a few thousand people can fix. Crises like climate change, poverty, modern slavery, and refugees require an army of united people – people who care enough to be the change.
Friedman believes that collective actions of ordinary people have the greatest chance of effecting a real transformation. He considers everyone who volunteers, no matter how big or small the gesture, to be heroic. Heroism exists, often untapped, within each of us. It is a voice of good, of righteousness, of action, and of love. In today’s world, this voice too often lies dormant and receives very little nurturing. Friedman urges this heroic part of us to rise up in the form of love, expressing itself publicly through good deeds.
Friedman’s clarion call is this: identify a cause that you are passionate about, accept responsibility for it, surrender, and then step up to get involved.
This book is a step-by-step guide to becoming an everyday hero.